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SettingsAN EXPLANTORY OF THE QURAN VOL.3 removeGuide to writing an Islamic Will removeFiqh and Fuqaha removeShi`ah Advanced seminary its phases, development and characteristics (95) removeAN INTRODUCTION TO THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF WOMEN IN ISLAM removeHISTORY OF SHI'ISM MUHARRAMI (36) remove
NameAN EXPLANTORY OF THE QURAN VOL.3 removeGuide to writing an Islamic Will removeFiqh and Fuqaha removeShi`ah Advanced seminary its phases, development and characteristics (95) removeAN INTRODUCTION TO THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF WOMEN IN ISLAM removeHISTORY OF SHI'ISM MUHARRAMI (36) remove
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ContentNot new, but good condition.Very informative booklet on how to make will simple and clear including sample will. This is taken from Making an Islamic will by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi and and the World Federation Sample will. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK
If we study the subjects of FIQH in detail, we find that every one of them is peculiar and singular in itself. Some of the laws relate to the natural urge in human beings to adore and worship. It guides us to worship none but Allah, in the prescribed form, seeking His pleasure. Then there are laws which prompt us to serve, be helpful and useful to human society, at the same time affirming our obedience to Allah. These are Zakat, Khums, our social and political duties, Jihad, Amr bil Ma'roof and Nahy anil Munkar, training in martial arts etc. Also covering brief history of over 40 Mujtahids.
This book Shi`ah Advanced Seminary Its Phases, development and characteristics, takes you through a journey how the Hawza system work. Topics covered 1 History of two Hawzahs 2 Style 3 Hawzah flexibility 4 Political independence 5 Economic independence 6 spiritual independence 7 First to third phase 8 Powerful education system HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK  This book addresses issues on the status and standing of women, their social, political, and cultural activities, housewifery, art, freedom, lifestyle, natural and acquired rights, and other issues from Islamic point of view. According to Islam, women and men alike possess the lofty status of humanity because they are both equally human. The fact that noble Adam ('a) was able to understand the Names and explain them was due to his unique genesis as a human and men and women are equal in this genesis. In general, all extolments in the Quran and Hadith regarding humans encompass both women and men. There is no verse in the Quran that reproaches women for being women. Therefore, according to Islam and the Quran, men and women are equally human, they are no different in worth, and they possess common responsibilities in managing the society. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UKThis text discusses how Shi'ism has been an integral and inseparable part of Islam from the time of the Holy Prophet (sa). The text provides several resources to show how Shi'ism began with the companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) and how its legacy still stands. Topics covered 1 Emergence os Shia 2 Saqifah 3 Silence of Imam Ali (as) 4 Sahaba Shias 5 Umayyad 6 Period of 4th Imam 7 Alawi uprisings 8 Zayd shahid 9 Factors behind failure of the uprisings 10 poets, 29 lessons
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You're viewing: AN EXPLANTORY OF THE QURAN VOL.3 Original price was: £7.00.Current price is: £0.99.
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