
Based on the verdicts of His Eminance the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Saeed Al-Hakeem. The book is an authoritative introduction to Islamic Laws for the youth and the students of Madressahs.


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ContentBased on the verdicts of His Eminance the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Mohammad Saeed Al-Hakeem. The book is an authoritative introduction to Islamic Laws for the youth and the students of Madressahs.This text explains in detail the meaning of Worship and Intention, as well as how different stages of worship are acquired. He then goes on to explain the different actions of Prayer in detail, such as the first Takbir, & the recitation of the Suras Heavily subsidized by Mahdi, Justice and Globalisation Conference Proceeding, International Conference on Imam Mahdi, Justice and Globalisation Subjects covered. 1 Mahdism 2 Human-Friendly 3 Human life 4 Capitalist 5 Reappearance Sunni N Shia 6 Matrix 7 One God One Government 7 Simplisation.: Istitute of Islamic Studies 
If we study the subjects of FIQH in detail, we find that every one of them is peculiar and singular in itself. Some of the laws relate to the natural urge in human beings to adore and worship. It guides us to worship none but Allah, in the prescribed form, seeking His pleasure. Then there are laws which prompt us to serve, be helpful and useful to human society, at the same time affirming our obedience to Allah. These are Zakat, Khums, our social and political duties, Jihad, Amr bil Ma'roof and Nahy anil Munkar, training in martial arts etc. Also covering brief history of over 40 Mujtahids.
This book, which is written by a well known scholar, a graduate of the Sorbonne, who switched from one Muslim school of thought to another, attempts to prove that the Muslims who truly follow the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet of Islam are actually none other than those referred to as the Shi as. It details how these Shi as (or Shi ites) learn this Sunnah from the closest people to the Prophet of Islam: his immediate family members. It traces the history of the Muslims of the first Islamic century and how they split into two camps, thus setting the foundations for both of these major sects. It also deals with the persecution to which the immediate family members of the Prophet of Islam were subjected and the politicians who played a major role in widening the gap between the followers of this sect and those of that. As for its style, the author restricts himself to quoting major authentic Sunni works to prove his point, relying on an in-depth study of the Islamic history in general and of that of the first century in particular. Many controversial themes are discussed in this book, including that of the infallibility of the Prophet of Islam and of the Twelve Imams who descended from Ali and Fatima, cousin and daughter of the Prophet respectively. Finally, the book concludes with an Appendix containing an Arabic poem in one thousand lines in praise of Commander of the Faithful Ali composed by an Iraqi poet for the Arabic speaking readers. Heavily subsidized by www.wabil.comTopics covered from Nahjul Balagha. 1 Self purification 2 Quran 3 Phenomenon& Noumenon 4 Spirituality 5 Perfect human 6 Natural sciences  7 Remedy for India 8 Humanity 9 Model of education 10 Humanist text HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK
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