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SettingsMAWKIB ALABA removeFiqh and Fuqaha removeSPIRITUALITY OF THE SHI`ISM AND OTHER DISCOURSES (99) removeA STRIFE-FREE DIALOGUE removeWord searches based on year 9 Diniyat (Book 25) removeGLIMPSES OF THE NAHJ AL-BALAGHAH remove
NameMAWKIB ALABA removeFiqh and Fuqaha removeSPIRITUALITY OF THE SHI`ISM AND OTHER DISCOURSES (99) removeA STRIFE-FREE DIALOGUE removeWord searches based on year 9 Diniyat (Book 25) removeGLIMPSES OF THE NAHJ AL-BALAGHAH remove
Price Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £0.99. Original price was: £4.00.Current price is: £0.99. Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £0.99. Original price was: £5.00.Current price is: £0.99. Original price was: £6.00.Current price is: £0.99. Original price was: £9.00.Current price is: £0.99.

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If we study the subjects of FIQH in detail, we find that every one of them is peculiar and singular in itself. Some of the laws relate to the natural urge in human beings to adore and worship. It guides us to worship none but Allah, in the prescribed form, seeking His pleasure. Then there are laws which prompt us to serve, be helpful and useful to human society, at the same time affirming our obedience to Allah. These are Zakat, Khums, our social and political duties, Jihad, Amr bil Ma'roof and Nahy anil Munkar, training in martial arts etc. Also covering brief history of over 40 Mujtahids.
This book will take to an advance level spirituality by the great master "Alamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai" want to get high on level self purification then this book is ideal. This text presents a series of twenty-one discourses related to the spirituality of Shi'ism and various key interesting topics in Islam. Heavily subsidized by book aims to establish a suitable method of communication with Wahhabis to familiarize them with Shi‘ism, and to prepare a proper ground for their conversion to the school of thought of the Household of the Prophet, peace be upon them. The author  Dr Isam wrote book against the  Shia accusing them of heresy, before he himself saw the light and converted to Shiaism. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UKThe layout of this book has been made according to the syllabus of Hussaini Madrasah Peterborough. These pages are made for endless fun at home, so children can enjoy them. They can also be photo copied for teaching resources. Each page is full of fun filled, as well as priceless teachings of the Hoy prophet (pbuh) and the Imams. Topics in word searches. 1 Adhan 2 Ikamah 3 Salaat 4 Mutahhiraat 5 Najasat 6 Tayammum 7 Jabira 8 Shakiyaat 9 doubts 10 Khums 11 Zakaat 12 Hajj HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UKThis is the translation of sections from Martyr Mutahhari's book Sayri dar Nahj al-balaghah. This book consists of seven sections. In the first section the author discusses the two main characteristics of the Nahj al-balaghah; its literary excellence and its multidimensionality, quoted various opinions expressed about Imam Ali's eloquence in general and about the Nahj al-balaghah in particular. In the second section, the author discusses the theological and metaphysical ideas propounded in the Nahj al-balaghah and compared them with the parallel notions familiar to the Muslim mutakallimun and philosophers. The third section deals with ibadah (worship) and its various levels. The fourth section deals with Islamic Government and Social Justice. The fifth, dealing with the controversial issue of caliphate (khilafah) and the superior status of the Ahl al-Bayt (A), has been deleted in this translation. The sixth and the seventh sections discuss the Nahj al-balaghah's ethical teachings, in particular the Islamic Concept of zuhd (abstinence); the meaning of the world (dunya), so often condemned in the Nahj al-balaghah; and the meaning of the contradiction between the world and the hereafter, which is also recurring theme. HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK
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You're viewing: MAWKIB ALABA Original price was: £12.00.Current price is: £0.99.
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