Content | This text is an overview of the intellectual and doctrinal foundations of the Islamic moral system. It demonstrates the importance of self-knowledge, its benefits and the necessity to constantly improve ourselves. Then it talks about knowing God and our relationship with Him. An attempt is made to show the relationship between self-knowledge and knowledge of God, and between self-improvement and closeness to God as our ultimate goal in this life.
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | Â The book, which requires brevity and concentration, is regarded as one of the best that deals with applied ethics. It is a guide for spiritual wayfarers on ethics and ways to strengthen one's faith, with the goal to reach Allah (swt). | Ideological and Jurisprudence Frontiers of Islam: A Scrutiny into Islam's Theory and Practice Compiled in the Form of Questions and Answers Addressing the Key Issues in Human Life. | A discussion on providing leadership to the youth, with examples from the Holy Qur'an, Ahadith (traditions), and the lives of the Prophets and Imams. Topics covered. 1 Two types of responsibilities 2 Leadership 3 Methods of prophets 4 Best students 5 Mind set of the youth 6 The time you live in 7 What must be done 8 Youth of today 8 The difficulties 9 Reason why people turn to Atheism 10 Signs of intellectual development 11 Abandonment of the Quran 12 Selection of Ahadith on the youth
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY IEB OF WORLD FEDERATION | This text begins introducing the (Duas) Definition of Prayer, and its importance. The author explains how prayers are accepted, and what acceptance of prayer can lead to in a believer's life. Beyond the literal recitation of the prayer, in this text we can find the etiquettes of prayer, and other aspects we must take into consideration.
Want to understand and put your heart into your Duas, this book will help you to do just that, ideal for people living in the west, simple do along technique's.
Topics covered 1 Definition of prayer 2 Requisites of Supplication 3 Obstacles and Hindrances 4 Lawful and Unlawful request 5 Supplication of Ahl al-bayt 6 Visitation: Its Monotheistic and Political dimensions.
HEAVILY SUBSIDIZED BY WWW.ISLAMICTHOUGHT.CO.UK | Very informative booklet on how to make will simple and clear including sample will. This is taken from Making an Islamic will by Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi and and the World Federation Sample will.
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